When summer heats up and we are excited to get out and enjoy the weather, we love taking our dogs along with us! As the temps rise, we have the following tips to help keep your pups cool in the heat. Watch our segment on KELOLAND Living here!
Prepare for the warm weather: Walk your dog at a time of day so you avoid the highest temps and strongest sun. Bring all of your supplies along, like pickup bags, water and bowls, and any other gear you need.
Understand how to keep them cool: Always carry plenty of water for your dog and a travel bowl. Use extra gear like a cool vest to help keep the sun off them as you enjoy the day. Also, don’t shave double coated dogs! Dogs like German shepherds and golden retrievers actually stay cooler with that undercoat that helps to insulate them from the heat. One place we do recommend to shave is the fur off paw pads, and you can also trim up their tummy fur to help them cool down more efficiently.
Plan for the What Ifs: If your dog does happen to get hot, it is important to know the signs of doggie heat stroke. The symptoms of heat stroke in a dog involve panting, drooling, agitation, bright red tongue, very red or pale gums, increased heart rate, trouble breathing, and vomiting. Be on the lookout for these signs and contact a veterinarian if you are concerned. It is also a great idea to have a doggie first aid kit along in your car and easily accessible in case of accidents while out and about.
and now get Started: Summer is a great time to get out with your dog, and now that you know how to keep them cool the heat won’t slow you down!
Ready to give your pet their best life? Check out our Lucky Pup Explorers program. This is our special online community for Lucky Pup Families. Members get additional support and resources to explore how to live their best lives together with their pets! Join our program today!